A dream device that will help solve a worldwide problem. People all over the world are running out of supplies that helps them fight COVID-19. Pure Skin Paradise will help with everyone's sanitation problem. Keeping your hands clean is one step of fighting this pandemic. Pure Skin Paradise is a device with soap in it where you may input the amount of months and days you want the soap to last for. After you input the amount of time, the soap will generate the amount of soap you should use in order to fulfill your amount of time.
Link to project - https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/383782609
When you click this link, it will take you to my dream device that will solve a world wide problem.
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Washing your hands frequently became one of the most important things to do during the COVID-19 pandemic and this animated short is a fun, breezy was to introduce a hypothetical long-lasting soap dispenser. Cute pitch. Next step would be to design the product and include more info on the importance of cleanliness.
Wow! What a smart idea! I love that you brought in reducing waste along with staying healthy. The project pitch and demo was well thought out and clear. Animations were fun and informative. I would love to have this in my home.
This is perhaps one of the most underrated device to have come out of the current covid scenario. And the best thing is that you can always implement the same logic behind other similar products as well. I also think that you can use similar products to help reduce the global carbon footprint by highlighting how the use of some products can not just increase immunity but also increase the positive environmental impact! Great job!
The pitch video is really well designed and animated!
What an excellent game idea! I think your premise is so interesting - a few months ago, having enough soap to keep clean and healthy wasn't very much of a worry to people in NYC, and now we all can relate to the story you're telling! I like your mixed media, with different kinds of imagery mixed together. I wonder how you could make it more interactive or more like you are solving a problem. Maybe you buy as much soap to fit in a certain area in your bathroom?
While the animation entertains, it also informs you about the non-wasteful use of soap. Innovative!
This is such a timely project and it is wonderful that you are working to support the community.
Love how it helps the real world right now!!