Many people think that having an animal is considering it a pet. However, it's more than that. It's having a friend to be/have with when feeling down. To comfort you and let your worries fade away. In the game there's am owner named Avery and she lost her dog, Karma, after he ran away from home. They both start to feel lonelywithout each other so now Karma really wants to go home. The objective of the game is to get Karma home to his owner, Avery. In the beginning there's an introduction where I described the backstory. It shows how both the dog and owner miss each other. They created a bond so strong that they can't be without each other. I added music/sounds to make the game more interesting and I also created this game so there would be two outcomes. You could either win or lose. My inspiration is from what my mom once experienced nut istead it was about her dog protecting her from other people. Although I did change up the story in the game, both ways showed how close their bond is. I wanted to deliver the message of how strong the bond between a human and dog can be.
The slides file I attached brings you to a set of slides I created. It gives an overall description of the game and the message I'm trying to convey. I've also attached a video in one of the slides which is a Ted Talk. In the beggining of the video, it describes of us and our pets have benefitted from each other. The link of my project takes you to Scratch which is the platform I uploaded my game onto.
Emoti-Con 2020 has ended and leaving new reactions is now off.
The development process and sketches you showed were wonderful! That is always my favorite part of review work is to see the thought process and also how you arrived at your final solutions. Graphics and sound design work well together, and the intro to the game sets up the play well. Fun game!
I really appreciate the fact that you drew inspiration from your personal life and used your mom's dog and its protective disposition. Sometimes we forget to observe things around us which can very well provide us the formative inspiration we all crave. The game itself is nicely designed and it is actually a good challenge for anyone who wants to have good control over Karma's movements. Id love to show a bit of the owner as well as Karma passes each of the stages. I would also encourage you to explore what kinds of relationships do pets/owners have just like you explained in the presentation. Id come back and play for sure! Keep up the great work
This game is fun and charming. Loved the artwork, music and backgrounds. The video game really shows the bond between a dog and owner in an engaging way.
This is great sound and art for the game! I also love the story at the beginning - it was very motivating to try to help Karma get home!
I loved the design of this game and I'll admit admit I played for much longer than I expected to! It's a fun game and the concept is very clear as you are introduced to the game. The music also helps set the scene emotionally which reminds the player that it's not just a silly dog trying to get home, but that the two characters have a meaningful relationship and the stakes are very high here. I wasn't able to win the game (I'm not great at computer games) but I wish I could see what it looks like if you win! That might be good information to include in a pitch for the project in the future.
I think that the game seems fun and it has a great background story. I think it is really cool and you did a great job.
Even though 5 lives is a lot of lives, one of these lives is wasted since Karma starts off practically right on top of a yellow box and this box can't be avoided. Maybe you can move a the box a little to the right so that the player doesn't encounter it directly.