β€œThe Story of the Human Animal Bond”

A Social Impact Game

By Rebecca, Zoe, Sanjana

Middle School Students from Games 4 Change, Mouse, CS4ALL

About this project:

The Human-Animal Bond (Mini-Stories):

Our Games for Change Project: the story of the Human-Animal bond is a mini story that was made on the platform, Scratch, is about how animals help people with autism. Our story also suggests that communities and countries can benefit or become a better place with animals like pets for people. Pets like dogs or cats or fish, can have a lot of impact on people and can benefit them a lot as well as towns in general, like the economy, when buying pets. The story begins with a boy named Auggy who is diagnosed with autism. Then, Auggy expresses how he is affected by having a pet and how he begins to feel more comfortable. The point of our story is to bring awareness to people about children with autism and how it can affect or benefit them in different ways. Some children with autism find it hard to socialize, therefore if you give them time to think about something, it can change their perspective and make the world a happier place with more cheerful people. Auggy, who is the main character in our story, struggles with talking to people outside of his family. Throughout the story we see how Auggy becomes more socially aware and feels more comfortable with associating and talking to people. After getting a pet dog, Auggy starts talking more to other kids, which leads him to make some new friends in school. All in all, having a dog or any pet can help people who struggle with illnesses such as autism, be more confident and even helps them be more responsive to others.

Link to our story: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/371252215

Project Media:

More about this project:

We added a slide show to demonstrate the process we went through and the actual description of our program that we designed. We also added a link to our program.

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Project Id: 49
Project Name: The Story of the Human Animal Bond

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