Being that we are so far away, the Digital Learning and Leadership team made it our mission to keep education fun while remote! After teaching our kids game design in the past we took this opportunity to sit back, connect and laugh with each other and focus on play! Here is a review book we threw together as a showcase for our fun learning.
Emoti-Con 2020 has ended and leaving new reactions is now off.
This is a great resource. As a game developer, one of the most important things you can get is good, honest feedback about a game. It's so crucial in order to make a game better. It's also harder to find information about impact games.
I enjoyed reading these thoughtful game descriptions! Developing an understanding of why you do or don't like games and figuring out how to describe it, is helpful when you go to design your own. This reminded me of playing games at BrainPOP with coworkers. When we talk about them together, we get our work and develop a common language when discussing different kinds of design.
Love the layout and the writing! The way you highlighted quotes that call out the heart of the reviews is excellent. I'd encourage you to explore how playful design and storytelling could be an ongoing way celebrate and share.
A zine for game review! This is great. I like reading all of the reviews I'm sure other gamers would.
So fun! A little zine for indie game nerds. I would love to see this published as another format, maybe on a website, app, or blog. The reviews are thoughtful and whimsical, and the layout makes this look highly professional. You all should consider exploring careers in site design!
The ability to think critically and evaluate media is super important! Good job describing your experience playing these games and sharing your perspectives with the world!