My game is a 2D space shooter about a fish that called the fish warrior that is defending the ocean by shooting Cigarette that could release toxins into the ocean.There are 3 levels and level 3 has a boss fight.I built in stretch using block code.
I used flipgrid for the video, I used google slides to show my project
Emoti-Con 2020 has ended and leaving new reactions is now off.
I'm well aware of cigarettes being a big problem for litter, but it never occurred to me about how it might effect waterways and their ecosystems! The fact that this made me think about the world in way I haven't before is proof that this project is a total success!! Not only that but in terms of gameplay, I like the small touch where the cigarettes come in at different angles, makes the game feel a lot more fun, and gives it a more underwater vibe!
Fun way to be informed about a source of pollution that I hadn't really considered before! Perhaps if you wanted to expand your ideas, you could introduce awareness of other forms of ocean pollution as well!
I really enjoyed that you made the connection to cigarette butts and fish. This will be helpful to get people to stop throwing their cigarettes on the ground. I had a lot of fun playing and enjoyed your pitch! Great job!
I applaud your efforts to showcase your design thinking and how you explored using Scratch and video games to try and raise awareness around an issue. Your use of different art assets to create an underwater scene is thoughtful and creative.
Project idea uses a unique and creative approach or solution to an original problem via an iterative process. Project is incredibly engaging/fun/artistic/entertaining!
I like the concept of the game, but it is missing some elements and is a little too simplistic.
The game is well designed and I think it can go far in the video game world because of its idea to save the earth.
I really like the background of the game but what I think could be done to make it better is to have levels and other cans that pollute the sea.
I think it is a cool game that shows how cigarettes can be destructive in many places. I think it is really cool and that you did a great job!
Very interesting game Chaouki As a player I need to destroy the cigarettes to save the ocean?
I like that you did not stop with version 1 but you put more lives and iterations to get V.2
I love seeing how your hand drawn graphics got transitioned to digital graphics in Scratch. It always good to show your design process.