It is a game that is helping to raise awareness to people about helping to keep the planet clean and to stop polluting
I uploaded a video of me playing and explaining the game and also a slides presentation of the story behind my game.
Emoti-Con 2020 has ended and leaving new reactions is now off.
This is an amazing project with great documentation! One thing that really caught my eye and made your project stand out from the rest was the inclusion of Juuls! In the past few years, I've seen so much plastic litter from those using Juuls and other vaping products. If you were to take this further, think about how you could highlight the environmental impact of non-cigarette nicotine products.
Love the concept behind this game! I could imagine taking your project further, by making more "levels" that explore other ways of environmental activism (ie recycling, sustainability, etc.).
I really enjoyed your video explaining how to play the game! I would love learn more about how you designed it. I had a great time playing with it, thank you!
Your thoughts behind the project are shared clearly. Your video walkthrough does a very nice job of presenting your game. In my work when designing website and web applications we often have to consider storytelling. Creating alignment between our goal, our look and feel, and our interactive solution helps create a good user experience. Saving the world is a very big topic :-). For your next project maybe think about how your project title and concept might be as focused the experience your game or solution is.
I like the concept of the game but was wondering why it only included trash? To me, recycling is more about saving the planet than only collecting trash since trash ends up in landfills and is ultimately more dangerous in large quantities than spread out...
You did a great job showing your concept, design process and the video showing the game prototype is helpful!